Journal Archive Results
Year Author/s Reference
1906 C. Anderson C. Anderson. Mineralogical notes. No. III. Axinite, petterdite, crocoite, and datolite. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 133-144.
1906 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Descriptions of and notes on some Australian and Tasmanian fishes. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 194-210.
1906 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Studies in Australian sharks. No. 3. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 226-229.
1906 T. Whitelegge T. Whitelegge. Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H.M.C.S. "Thetis" off the coast of New South Wales, in February and March, 1898, sponges. Part I. Australian Museum Memoir 4: 453-484.
1905 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Notes on fishes from Western Australia. No. 3. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 55-82.
1905 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. Description of the mutilated cranium of a large fish, from the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 5-8.
1905 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. An addition to the Lacertilian fauna of the Solomon Islands. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 13-16.
1905 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Occasional notes. II. Pseudaphritis urvilii, Cuvier & Valenciennes, a fish new to western New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 38-39.
1905 W. J. Rainbow W. J. Rainbow. Notes on the architecture, nesting habits, and life histories of Australian Araneidae, based on specimens in the Australian Museum. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 22-28.
1905 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. On an insular form of Melithreptus brevirostris, Vigors and Horsfield. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 20-21.
1904 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. A second sauropterygian converted into opal, from the Upper Cretaceous of White Cliffs, New South Wales. With indications of ichthyopterygians at the same locality. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 306-316.
1904 C. Anderson C. Anderson. Mineralogical notes. No. I. Topaz, beryl, vesuvianite, tourmaline, and wolframite. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 296-305.
1904 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Ornithological notes. [I. Short-billed Honey-eater (Melithreptus brevirostris). II. Latham’s Snipe (Gallinago australis). III. Silver-eye (Zosterops lateralis). ]. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 337-338.
1904 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. Ethnological notes made at Copmanhurst, Clarence River. I. An Aboriginal rock-shelter with an inscribed rockface. II. Disarticulation of one of the little finger joints. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 271-276.
1904 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. The breeding habits of the Fighting Fish (Betta pugnax, Cantor). Records of the Australian Museum 5: 293-295.
1904 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia. No. 3. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 231-244.
1892 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Additions to the avifaunas of Tasmania, and Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 36-38.
1891 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. The operculate Madreporaria Rugosa of New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 201-205.
1891 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. On the occurrence of the genus Palaeaster in the Upper Silurian rocks of Victoria. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 199-200.
1891 Charles Hedley Charles Hedley. On Hadra gulosa, Gould. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 196-197.
1891 T. Whitelegge T. Whitelegge. On the recent discolouration of the waters of Port Jackson. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 179-192.
1891 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. Notes on "Rock-shelters" or "Gibba-Gunyahs", at Deewhy Lagoon. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 171-174.
1891 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Note on the nidification of Edoliisoma tenuirostre. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 177-178.
1891 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Note on the nidification of Plotus novae-hollandiae, Gould. The New Holland Snake-bird or Darter. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 147-148.
1891 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Supplement to the catalogue of "Nests and eggs of birds found breeding in Australia and Tasmania". Records of the Australian Museum 1: 111-122.
1891 E. P. Ramsay E. P. Ramsay. On a new species of pteropine bat from the New Britain group. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 105-106.
1890 T. Whitelegge T. Whitelegge. On a fresh water alga at West Maitland waterworks. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 82-84.
1890 J. Douglas Ogilby J. Douglas Ogilby. Descriptions of two new species of Australian lophobranchiate fishes. Records of the Australian Museum 1: 55-56.
1909 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Notes on the nesting-site of Gerygone personata, Gould. Records of the Australian Museum 7: 186-188.
1908 Charles Hedley Charles Hedley. Occasional note. No. I. Sepia braggi, Verco.—a record for the State. Records of the Australian Museum 7: 134-.
1908 Allan R. McCulloch Allan R. McCulloch. A new genus and species of turtle, from north Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 7: 126-128.
1904 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. On heterochrosis in Australian Psittaci. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 265-268.
1904 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. Occasional notes. I. The Tavau or Coil Feather Money of Santa Cruz. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 133-.
1904 W. J. Rainbow W. J. Rainbow. A new "bat tick". Records of the Australian Museum 5: 78-79.
1904 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. A remarkable rock-shelter in the Milton district, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 80-85.
1904 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. On the occurrence of the genus Ptychoceras (?) and other additional fossils in the Cretaceous beds of the Northern Territory of South Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 108-115.
1904 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Description of a new Phascogale from north western Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 122-124.
1904 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. On the occurrence of a lituitean in the Upper Silurian rocks of Bowning, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 75-77.
1904 C. Anderson C. Anderson. An association of natrolite and datolite at Pokolbin, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 127-130.
1903 W. J. Rainbow W. J. Rainbow. Notes on fleas parasitic on the Tiger Cat. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 53-55.
1903 W. J. Rainbow W. J. Rainbow. Studies in Australian Araneidae. No. 1. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 62-66.
1903 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Occasional notes. II. Chersydrus granulatus, Schneider, a snake new to Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 74-.
1903 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. Occasional notes. I. The Tavau or Coil Feather Money of Santa Cruz. Records of the Australian Museum 5: 74-.
1902 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 263-273.
1902 C. Anderson C. Anderson. On some specimens of Chiastolite from Bimbowrie, South Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 298-302.
2023 Magdalena N. Georgieva; Helena Wiklund; Dino A. Ramos; Lenka Neal; Christopher J. Glasby; Laetitia M. Gunton Magdalena N. Georgieva; Helena Wiklund; Dino A. Ramos; Lenka Neal; Christopher J. Glasby; Laetitia M. Gunton. The annelid community of a natural deep-sea whale fall off eastern Australia. In RV Investigator—Abyssal Annelida, ed. E. K. Kupriyanova and L. M. Gunton. Records of the Australian Museum 75: 167-213.
2023 Rachael E. Tarlinton Rachael E. Tarlinton. An overview of koala retrovirus epidemiology in Australia. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 3-6.
2023 Natasha Speight Natasha Speight. Koala retrovirus infection and disease in South Australian koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 41-43.
2023 Tetsuya Imanishi Tetsuya Imanishi. Putative koala retrovirus-associated diseases in the Japanese captive koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) population. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 45-47.
2023 Cora L. Singleton; Chris Hamlin-Andrus Cora L. Singleton; Chris Hamlin-Andrus. Koala retrovirus status and putative koala retrovirus-associated diseases in koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in North American zoos. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 49-52.