Journal Archive Results
Year Author/s Reference
1941 T. Hodge-Smith; A. B. Edwards T. Hodge-Smith; A. B. Edwards. The Tawallah Valley meteorite. General description. The Microstructure. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 1-8.
1941 Elsie Bramwell Elsie Bramwell. Some Australian incised stones. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 17-18.
1928 H. Leighton Kesteven H. Leighton Kesteven. Contributions to the Cranial Osteology of the Fishes. No. VI. Records of the Australian Museum 16: 316-346.
1928 E. A. Briggs E. A. Briggs. Studies in Australian athecate hydroids. No. 1. Two new species of the genus Myriothela. Records of the Australian Museum 16: 305-315.
1928 Gilbert P. Whitley Gilbert P. Whitley. Fishes from the Great Barrier Reef collected by Mr. Melbourne Ward. Records of the Australian Museum 16: 294-304.
1928 Gilbert P. Whitley Gilbert P. Whitley. Studies in Icthyology. No. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 16: 211-240.
1928 Launcelot Harrison Launcelot Harrison. On the genus Stratiodrilus (Archiannelida: Histriobdellidae), with a description of a new species from Madagascar. Records of the Australian Museum 16: 116-122.
1927 Georg Ochs Georg Ochs. On Enhydrus froggatti Macleay. Records of the Australian Museum 16: 70-72.
1927 T. Iredale T. Iredale. New molluscs from Vanikoro. Records of the Australian Museum 16: 73-78.
1927 Anthony Musgrave Anthony Musgrave. Contributions to the knowledge of Australian Hempitera. No. 1. Records of the Australian Museum 16: 47-49.
1902 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Note on Malurus leucopterus, Quoy and Gaimard. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 209-210.
1902 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Studies in Australian sharks. No. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 175-178.
1902 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Notes on fishes from Western Australia. No. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 179-194.
1902 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. An Aboriginal knife. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 207-208.
1901 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. Lingula associated with Lepidodendron. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 119-120.
1901 T. Whitelegge T. Whitelegge. Occasional notes. III. Limnoria lignorum, Rathke—a wood-borer—its occurrence in Sydney Harbour. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 143-.
1901 Charles Hedley Charles Hedley. A revision of the types of the marine shells of the Chevert Expedition. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 121-130.
1901 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe Island, No. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 36-47.
1901 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. The destruction of native birds in New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 17-21.
1901 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. Cone-like Strobili attached to a Phyllotheca-like foliage. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 1-4.
1901 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Studies in Australian sharks, with diagnosis of a new family. Records of the Australian Museum 4: 28-35.
1900 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. The card-catalogue system adapted to museum requirements. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 217-218.
1900 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Occasional notes. VIII. Lygosoma fragile, Gunther. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 220-.
1900 W. J. Rainbow W. J. Rainbow. Two new thomisids. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 169-175.
1900 Charles Hedley Charles Hedley. Occasional notes. V. Turricula scalariformis, Ten. Woods—its occurrence in New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 219-.
1899 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. Occasional notes. III. Palaeopede whiteleggei, Eth. Fil.. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 166-.
1899 T. Whitelegge T. Whitelegge. Note on Scyllarus sculptus, Latreille. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 155-162.
1899 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Regalecus glesne, Ascanius. An addition to the fauna of New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 163-165.
1899 Charles Hedley Charles Hedley. The Mollusca of Funafuti. (Supplement). Australian Museum Memoir 3: 547-565.
1899 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Appendix. The fishes of Funafuti. (Supplement). Australian Museum Memoir 3: 537-546.
1899 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Notes on snakes. I. Denisonia melanura, Boul. II. Micropechus elapoides, Boul. III. Furina calonota, Dum. & Bibr.. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 104-105.
1899 Charles Hedley Charles Hedley. A review of the systematic position of Zemira, Adams. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 118-120.
1899 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. On the occurrence of a starfish in the Upper Silurian Series of Bowning, N. S. Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 128-129.
1897 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. The mammals, reptiles, and fishes of Funafuti. VIII. The mammals, reptiles, and fishes. Australian Museum Memoir 3: 165-202.
1897 T. Whitelegge T. Whitelegge. The Echinodermata of Funafuti. VII. The Echinodermata. Australian Museum Memoir 3: 155-164.
1897 W. J. Rainbow W. J. Rainbow. The arachnidan fauna of Funafuti. V. The arachnidan fauna. Australian Museum Memoir 3: 105-126.
1897 W. J. Rainbow W. J. Rainbow. The insect fauna of Funafuti. IV. The insect fauna. Australian Museum Memoir 3: 89-104.
1897 R. Etheridge R. Etheridge. On circular and spiral incised ornament on Australian Aboriginal implements and weapons. Records of the Australian Museum 3: 1-6.
1896 Charles Hedley Charles Hedley. General account of the Atoll of Funafuti. I. General account. Australian Museum Memoir 3: 1-72.
1896 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. On the seasonal changes in the plumage of Zosterops caerulescens. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 98-100.
1895 F. A. A. Skuse F. A. A. Skuse. On a case of presumed protective imitation. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 91-92.
1895 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Note on a nest of Petroeca leggii, Sharpe. The Scarlet-breasted Robin. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 89-.
1893 Alfred J. North Alfred J. North. Description of a new species of parakeet, of the genus Platycercus, from north-west Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 83-84.
1893 Charles Hedley Charles Hedley. Pholas obturamentum; an undescribed bivalve from Sydney harbour. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 55-57.
1893 Edgar R. Waite Edgar R. Waite. Notes on Australian Typhlopidae. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 57-62.
2021 Harry E. Parnaby; Andrew G. King; Mark D. B. Eldridge Harry E. Parnaby; Andrew G. King; Mark D. B. Eldridge. A new bat species from southwestern Western Australia, previously assigned to Gould’s Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus gouldi Tomes, 1858. Records of the Australian Museum 73: 53-66.
2021 Stan Florek; Heather Bleechmore; Jana Jones; Colin McGregor; R. E. Pogson; Jim Specht Stan Florek; Heather Bleechmore; Jana Jones; Colin McGregor; R. E. Pogson; Jim Specht. Egyptian funerary boat model in the Australian Museum: dating and analysis. Records of the Australian Museum 73: 67-85.
2021 Volker W. Framenau; John Douglas Volker W. Framenau; John Douglas. New eastern Australian species in the wolf spider genus Artoriopsis (Araneae, Lycosidae, Artoriinae). Records of the Australian Museum 73: 103-114.
2021 James M. Carpenter; Graham R. Brown James M. Carpenter; Graham R. Brown. A key to the Australian genera of Eumeninae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Records of the Australian Museum 73: 87-101.
2021 Paul M. Whitington; Kerri-Lee Harris Paul M. Whitington; Kerri-Lee Harris. A new species of Australian funnel-web spider (Mygalomorphae, Atracidae, Hadronyche) redefines the family Atracidae. Records of the Australian Museum 73: 115-122.