Australian Museum Journals
Since 1851 we have published academic journals to report discoveries made in our collections. Our serial titles contain peer-reviewed research articles on animal taxonomy, archaeology and geology.
Showing 1701 to 1750 of 1825
Year | Author/s | Reference |
1928 | K. W. Verhoeff | K. W. Verhoeff.
On Diplopoda in the Australian Museum, Sydney.
Records of the Australian Museum 16: 79-115.
1899 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Ornithological notes. VIII. Description of a new species of honey-eater from north Queensland.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 106-107.
1899 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Ornithological notes. IX. Description of the nest and eggs of Micraeca pallida, De Vis.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 107-.
1899 | W. J. Rainbow | W. J. Rainbow.
Contribution to a knowledge of Papuan arachnida.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 108-118.
1899 | Charles Hedley | Charles Hedley.
Occasional notes. II. A Shipworm, new to Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 134-.
1897 | J. P. Hill | J. P. Hill.
XIV. The Enteropneusta. Part II.
Australian Museum Memoir 3: 336-348.
1897 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
A new Blind Snake from the Duke of York Island.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 69-70.
1897 | T. Cooksey | T. Cooksey.
Ankerite from Sandhurst, Victoria.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 63-65.
1897 | T. Whitelegge | T. Whitelegge.
X. The Alcyonaria. Part I.
Australian Museum Memoir 3: 211-225.
1897 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
A spear with incised ornament from Angeldool, New South Wales.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 6-7.
1896 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Aves from Funafuti. III. Aves.
Australian Museum Memoir 3: 79-88.
1896 | F. A. A. Skuse | F. A. A. Skuse.
Stephanocircus, Sk.: a rejoinder.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 110-.
1896 | Charles Hedley | Charles Hedley.
Notes on Mollusca from the alpine zone of Mount Kosciusko.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 101-105.
1896 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
A museum enemy—dust.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 95-98.
1895 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
The skull of Dendrolagus dorianus, Ramsay.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 85-87.
1895 | Charles Hedley | Charles Hedley.
Dendrotrochus, Pilsbry, assigned to Trochomorpha.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 90-91.
1895 | T. Cooksey | T. Cooksey.
Some suggestions regarding the formation of "enhydros" or water-stones.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 92-94.
1893 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
On a specimen of Crex crex, shot at Randwick, New South Wales.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 82-83.
1893 | J. Douglas Ogilby | J. Douglas Ogilby.
Description of a new pelagic fish from New Zealand.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 64-65.
1907 | W. A. Haswell; Charles Hedley | W. A. Haswell; Charles Hedley.
The results of deep sea investigation in the Tasman Sea. I. The expedition of H.M.C.S. "Miner". 1. Introductory note on the first deep-sea cruise.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 271-272.
1907 | W. A. Haswell | W. A. Haswell.
The results of deep sea investigation in the Tasman Sea. I. The expedition of H.M.C.S. "Miner". 2. The colonial Radiolaria of the Tasman Sea.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 273-282.
1906 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
The cranial buckler of a Dipnoan fish, probably Ganorhynchus, from the Devonian Beds of the Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 129-132.
1906 | C. Anderson | C. Anderson.
Mineralogical notes. No. III. Axinite, petterdite, crocoite, and datolite.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 133-144.
1906 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
Descriptions of and notes on some Australian and Tasmanian fishes.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 194-210.
1906 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
Studies in Australian sharks. No. 3.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 226-229.
1906 | T. Whitelegge | T. Whitelegge.
Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H.M.C.S. "Thetis" off the coast of New South Wales, in February and March, 1898, sponges. Part I.
Australian Museum Memoir 4: 453-484.
1905 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
Notes on fishes from Western Australia. No. 3.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 55-82.
1905 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
Description of the mutilated cranium of a large fish, from the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 5-8.
1905 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
An addition to the Lacertilian fauna of the Solomon Islands.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 13-16.
1905 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
Occasional notes. II. Pseudaphritis urvilii, Cuvier & Valenciennes, a fish new to western New South Wales.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 38-39.
1905 | W. J. Rainbow | W. J. Rainbow.
Notes on the architecture, nesting habits, and life histories of Australian Araneidae, based on specimens in the Australian Museum.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 22-28.
1905 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
On an insular form of Melithreptus brevirostris, Vigors and Horsfield.
Records of the Australian Museum 6: 20-21.
1904 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
A second sauropterygian converted into opal, from the Upper Cretaceous of White Cliffs, New South Wales. With indications of ichthyopterygians at the same locality.
Records of the Australian Museum 5: 306-316.
1904 | C. Anderson | C. Anderson.
Mineralogical notes. No. I. Topaz, beryl, vesuvianite, tourmaline, and wolframite.
Records of the Australian Museum 5: 296-305.
1904 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Ornithological notes. [I. Short-billed Honey-eater (Melithreptus brevirostris). II. Latham’s Snipe (Gallinago australis). III. Silver-eye (Zosterops lateralis). ].
Records of the Australian Museum 5: 337-338.
1904 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
Ethnological notes made at Copmanhurst, Clarence River. I. An Aboriginal rock-shelter with an inscribed rockface. II. Disarticulation of one of the little finger joints.
Records of the Australian Museum 5: 271-276.
1904 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
The breeding habits of the Fighting Fish (Betta pugnax, Cantor).
Records of the Australian Museum 5: 293-295.
1904 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia. No. 3.
Records of the Australian Museum 5: 231-244.
1892 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Additions to the avifaunas of Tasmania, and Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands.
Records of the Australian Museum 2: 36-38.
1891 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
The operculate Madreporaria Rugosa of New South Wales.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 201-205.
1891 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
On the occurrence of the genus Palaeaster in the Upper Silurian rocks of Victoria.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 199-200.
1891 | Charles Hedley | Charles Hedley.
On Hadra gulosa, Gould.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 196-197.
1891 | T. Whitelegge | T. Whitelegge.
On the recent discolouration of the waters of Port Jackson.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 179-192.
1891 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
Notes on "Rock-shelters" or "Gibba-Gunyahs", at Deewhy Lagoon.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 171-174.
1891 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Note on the nidification of Edoliisoma tenuirostre.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 177-178.
1891 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Note on the nidification of Plotus novae-hollandiae, Gould. The New Holland Snake-bird or Darter.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 147-148.
1891 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Supplement to the catalogue of "Nests and eggs of birds found breeding in Australia and Tasmania".
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 111-122.
1891 | E. P. Ramsay | E. P. Ramsay.
On a new species of pteropine bat from the New Britain group.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 105-106.
1890 | T. Whitelegge | T. Whitelegge.
On a fresh water alga at West Maitland waterworks.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 82-84.
1890 | J. Douglas Ogilby | J. Douglas Ogilby.
Descriptions of two new species of Australian lophobranchiate fishes.
Records of the Australian Museum 1: 55-56.