Journal Archive Results
Year Author/s Reference
1983 D. H. Steele D. H. Steele. Size composition of lysianassid amphipods in cold and warm water habitats. Australian Museum Memoir 18: 113-119.
1969 D. J. G. Griffin D. J. G. Griffin. Notes on the taxonomy and zoogeography of the Tasmanian grapsid and ocypodid crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura). Records of the Australian Museum 27: 323-347.
1968 E. F. Riek E. F. Riek. Re-examination of two arthropod species from the Triassic of Brookvale, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 27: 313-321.
1968 W. Stephenson; M. Rees W. Stephenson; M. Rees. A revision of the genus 0valipes Rathbun, 1898 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae). Records of the Australian Museum 27: 213-261.
1967 L. Freedman; A. D. Joffe L. Freedman; A. D. Joffe. Skull and tooth variation in the genus Perameles. Part II: metrical features of P. nasuta. Records of the Australian Museum 27: 183-195.
1967 J. B. Waterhouse J. B. Waterhouse. A new species of Attenuatella (Brachiopoda) from Permian beds near Drake, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 27: 167-173.
1966 J. W. Evans J. W. Evans. The leafhoppers and froghoppers of Australia and New Zealand (Homoptera: Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea). Australian Museum Memoir 12: 1-347.
1966 Dale Straughan Dale Straughan. Australian brackish water serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta). Records of the Australian Museum 27: 139-146.
1966 Olga Hartman Olga Hartman. New records of some little known Australian polychaetous annelids. Records of the Australian Museum 26: 361-365.
1964 S. L. Larnach; L. Freedman S. L. Larnach; L. Freedman. Sex determination of Aboriginal crania from coastal New South Wales, Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 26: 295-308.
1964 R. Endean; E. C. Pope R. Endean; E. C. Pope. Rediscovery of the echinoid Clypeaster tumidus (Tenison-Woods) and an emended description. Records of the Australian Museum 26: 275-281.
1963 W. C. Clark W. C. Clark. Australian Pycnogonida. Records of the Australian Museum 26: 1-82.
1963 B. G. M. Jamieson B. G. M. Jamieson. A revision of the earthworm genus Digaster (Megascolecidae, Oligochaeta). Records of the Australian Museum 26: 83-111.
1963 Olga Hartman Olga Hartman. Reteterebella queenslandia, a new genus and species of polychaetous annelid from Queensland, Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 355-358.
1962 Frederick D. McCarthy; N. W. G. Macintosh Frederick D. McCarthy; N. W. G. Macintosh. The archaeology of Mootwingee, western New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 249-298.
1962 Leslie F. Marcus Leslie F. Marcus. A new species of Sthenurus (Marsupialia, Macropodidae) from the Pleistocene of New South Wales: a contribution from the Museum of Palaeontology, University of California, U.S.A.. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 299-304.
1962 A. H. Miller A. H. Miller. The history and significance of the fossil Casuarius lydekkeri. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 235-238.
1962 J. W. Wells J. W. Wells. Two new scleractinian corals from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 239-242.
1962 T. Iredale; D. F. McMichael T. Iredale; D. F. McMichael. A reference list of the marine Mollusca of New South Wales. Australian Museum Memoir 11: 1-109.
1962 P. Heegaard P. Heegaard. Parasitic Copepoda from Australian waters. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 149-233.
1961 Frederick D. McCarthy Frederick D. McCarthy. The rock-engravings of Depuch Island, north-west Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 121-148.
1961 Frederick D. McCarthy Frederick D. McCarthy. A remarkable gallery of cave paintings in eastern New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 115-120.
1961 Carl J. Drake Carl J. Drake. Some Australian Tingidae (Hemiptera), including new genera and new species. Records of the Australian Museum 25: 107-114.
1943 W. Boardman W. Boardman. On a collection of Oligochaeta from the Jenolan Caves District, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 168-178.
1943 Frederick D. McCarthy Frederick D. McCarthy. An analysis of the knapped implements from eight Elouera industry stations on the South Coast of New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 127-153.
1943 Frederick D. McCarthy Frederick D. McCarthy. Trimmed pebble implements of Kartan type from ancient kitchen-middens at Clybucca, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 164-167.
1943 C. Teichert; Harold O. Fletcher C. Teichert; Harold O. Fletcher. A Permian ammonoid from New South Wales and the correlation of the Upper Marine Series. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 156-163.
1942 G. A. Waterhouse G. A. Waterhouse. Notes on Australian butterflies in the Australian Museum. No.2. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 122-125.
1942 Keith C. McKeown Keith C. McKeown. Australian Cerambycidae. VI. Descriptions of new species mostly from Queensland. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 81-105.
1942 T. Iredale T. Iredale. Description of a Libyan Desert land shell. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 126-.
1942 Martin F. Glaessner Martin F. Glaessner. The occurrence of the New Guinea Turtle (Carettochelys) in the Miocene of Papua. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 106-109.
1941 R. A. Keble; J. Hope Macpherson R. A. Keble; J. Hope Macpherson. The Lower Ordovician graptolites in New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 57-58.
1941 H. Leighton Kesteven H. Leighton Kesteven. Some features in the anatomy and later development of the head of Delphinus delphinus Linné. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 59-80.
1941 T. Harvey Johnston; P. M. Mawson T. Harvey Johnston; P. M. Mawson. Some parasitic nematodes in the collection of the Australian Museum. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 9-16.
1940 Joyce K. Allan Joyce K. Allan. A rare stalk-eyed squid (Bathothauma lyromma Chun) new to Australian waters. Records of the Australian Museum 20: 320-324.
1940 Frederick D. McCarthy Frederick D. McCarthy. The bone point, known as muduk, in eastern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 20: 313-319.
1940 William John Dakin William John Dakin. Further notes on the life history of the king prawn, Penaeus plebejus Hesse. Records of the Australian Museum 20: 354-359.
1939 T. Hodge-Smith T. Hodge-Smith. Australian meteorites. Australian Museum Memoir 7: 1-84.
1938 Gilbert P. Whitley Gilbert P. Whitley. Descriptions of some New Guinea fishes. Records of the Australian Museum 20: 223-233.
1937 T. Hodge-Smith T. Hodge-Smith. An unrecorded meteorite from Coolac, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 20: 130-132.
1937 T. Iredale T. Iredale. Rediscovery of Voluta brazieri Cox. Records of the Australian Museum 20: 128-129.
1937 O. A. Jones O. A. Jones. The Australian massive species of the coral genus Favosites. Records of the Australian Museum 20: 79-102.
1936 Joyce K. Allan Joyce K. Allan. Mysticoncha, a new generic name for Caledoniella Basedow, non Souverbie. Records of the Australian Museum 19: 391-396.
1936 Ellis Le G. Troughton; A. S. Le Souef Ellis Le G. Troughton; A. S. Le Souef. A new Tree-Kangaroo from south-eastern Papua. Records of the Australian Museum 19: 388-390.
1936 Keith C. McKeown Keith C. McKeown. Description of the male of Clemacantha regale Rainbow. Records of the Australian Museum 19: 380-382.
1935 Ellis Le G. Troughton Ellis Le G. Troughton. Five new rats of the genera Hydromys and Melomys from northern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 19: 251-258.
1934 Keith C. McKeown Keith C. McKeown. Notes on the food of trout and Macquarie Perch in Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 19: 141-152.
1933 Gilbert P. Whitley Gilbert P. Whitley. Studies in ichthyology. No. 7. Records of the Australian Museum 19: 60-112.
1933 Arthur A. Livingstone Arthur A. Livingstone. A new Mediaster from Queensland. Records of the Australian Museum 19: 21-22.
1933 T. Iredale; Ellis Le G. Troughton T. Iredale; Ellis Le G. Troughton. The correct generic names for the Grampus or Killer Whale, and the so called Grampus or Risso’s Dolphin. Records of the Australian Museum 19: 28-36.