Pogonomys championi n.sp., a new murid (Rodentia) from montane western Papua New Guinea
Pogonomys championi n.sp. is a medium-sized montane Pogonomys with grey-based ventral fur. It shares similarities with both Pogonomys macrourus and Pogonomys sylvestris, but also has some unique features. Thus far P. championi n.sp. is known only from the Telefomin and Tifalmin Valleys, Papua New Guinea, at altitudes of between 1,400 and 2,300 m. At these localities the species is common, and in the Telefomin area at the lower end of its altitudinal range, it is probably sympatric with P. macrourus.
Pogonomys championi n.sp. nests communally underground, with up to seven individuals sharing a nest. They ascend into trees at night to feed.