Australian Museum Journals
Since 1851 we have published academic journals to report discoveries made in our collections. Our serial titles contain peer-reviewed research articles on animal taxonomy, archaeology and geology.
Showing 301 to 350 of 1825
Year | Author/s | Reference |
1994 | Daniel J. Bickel | Daniel J. Bickel.
The Australian Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with a review of the Oriental and Australasian faunas, and a world conspectus of the subfamily.
Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 21: 1-394.
1985 | Thelma Bush | Thelma Bush.
Form and decoration of arrows from the highlands of Papua New Guinea.
Records of the Australian Museum 37: 255-293.
1985 | Niel L. Bruce | Niel L. Bruce.
Biremia ambocerca n. gen., n. sp., the first record of the marine isopod crustacean family Bathynataliidae from Australian waters.
Records of the Australian Museum 37: 295-299.
1985 | Winston F. Ponder | Winston F. Ponder.
The anatomy and relationships of Emblanda emblematica (Hedley) (Mollusca: Mesogastropoda: Emblandidae n.fam.).
Records of the Australian Museum 37: 343-351.
1972 | David K. McAlpine | David K. McAlpine.
The Australian Platystomatidae (Diptera, Schizophora) with a revision of five genera.
Australian Museum Memoir 15: 1-256.
1971 | Harold O. Fletcher | Harold O. Fletcher.
Catalogue of type specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney.
Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.
1971 | I. A. E. Bayly | I. A. E. Bayly.
A new species of Kelleria (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) from brackish water in Victoria.
Records of the Australian Museum 28: 111-116.
1913 | Dene B. Fry | Dene B. Fry.
On the status of Chelonia depressa, Garman.
Records of the Australian Museum 10: 159-186.
1909 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Description of the female, with nest and eggs of the Cinnamon-Chested Ground Thrush (Cinclosoma marginatum, Sharpe).
Records of the Australian Museum 7: 322-324.
1909 | Hubert Lyman Clark | Hubert Lyman Clark.
Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H.M.C.S. "Thetis" off the coast of New South Wales, in February and March, 1898, Echinodermata.
Australian Museum Memoir 4: 519-564.
1908 | W. J. Rainbow | W. J. Rainbow.
Notes on mimicry and variation.
Records of the Australian Museum 7: 69-73.
1908 | C. Anderson | C. Anderson.
Mineralogical notes. No. VI. Topaz, beryl, anglesite, rutile, atacamite, pyrite.
Records of the Australian Museum 7: 60-68.
1908 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
On three apparently undescribed birds from Henderson or Elizabeth Island, Paumotu group.
Records of the Australian Museum 7: 29-32.
1908 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
An undescribed Australian Cystiphyllid—Mictocystis—from the Upper Silurian rocks of the Mount Canobalas district.
Records of the Australian Museum 7: 18-20.
1937 | T. Iredale | T. Iredale.
Rediscovery of Voluta brazieri Cox.
Records of the Australian Museum 20: 128-129.
1937 | O. A. Jones | O. A. Jones.
The Australian massive species of the coral genus Favosites.
Records of the Australian Museum 20: 79-102.
1936 | Joyce K. Allan | Joyce K. Allan.
Mysticoncha, a new generic name for Caledoniella Basedow, non Souverbie.
Records of the Australian Museum 19: 391-396.
1936 | Ellis Le G. Troughton; A. S. Le Souef | Ellis Le G. Troughton; A. S. Le Souef.
A new Tree-Kangaroo from south-eastern Papua.
Records of the Australian Museum 19: 388-390.
1936 | Keith C. McKeown | Keith C. McKeown.
Description of the male of Clemacantha regale Rainbow.
Records of the Australian Museum 19: 380-382.
1935 | Ellis Le G. Troughton | Ellis Le G. Troughton.
Five new rats of the genera Hydromys and Melomys from northern Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 19: 251-258.
1934 | Keith C. McKeown | Keith C. McKeown.
Notes on the food of trout and Macquarie Perch in Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 19: 141-152.
1933 | Gilbert P. Whitley | Gilbert P. Whitley.
Studies in ichthyology. No. 7.
Records of the Australian Museum 19: 60-112.
1933 | Arthur A. Livingstone | Arthur A. Livingstone.
A new Mediaster from Queensland.
Records of the Australian Museum 19: 21-22.
1933 | T. Iredale; Ellis Le G. Troughton | T. Iredale; Ellis Le G. Troughton.
The correct generic names for the Grampus or Killer Whale, and the so called Grampus or Risso’s Dolphin.
Records of the Australian Museum 19: 28-36.
1932 | W. S. Dun | W. S. Dun.
The lower marine forms of Myonia, with notes on a proposed new genus, Pachymyonia.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 411-414.
1932 | C. Anderson | C. Anderson.
Palaeontological notes. No. III. The skull of Sthenurus occidentalis Glauert.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 383-388.
1932 | Ellis Le G. Troughton | Ellis Le G. Troughton.
On five new rats of the genus Pseudomys.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 287-294.
1932 | Lucien Berland | Lucien Berland.
Araignées recueillies en Nouvelle-Calédonie par M.T.D.A. Cockerell.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 295-299.
1932 | Ellis Le G. Troughton | Ellis Le G. Troughton.
A new species of fat-tailed marsupial mouse, and the status of Antechinus froggatti Ramsay.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 349-354.
1932 | W. W. Thorpe | W. W. Thorpe.
Ethnological notes. No. 4.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 302-311.
1931 | E. A. Briggs | E. A. Briggs.
Studies in Australian athecate hydroids. No. IV. Development of the gonophores and formation of the egg in Myriothela harrisoni, Briggs.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 270-278.
1931 | W. Boardman | W. Boardman.
Two new species of the genus Notoscolex (Oligochaeta) from Ulladulla, New South Wales.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 161-166.
1931 | H. Leighton Kesteven | H. Leighton Kesteven.
The evolution of the Anamniota.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 167-200.
1931 | H. Leighton Kesteven | H. Leighton Kesteven.
Contributions to the cranial osteology of the fishes. No. VII. The skull of Neoceratodus forsteri: a study in phylogeny.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 236-266.
1931 | W. W. Thorpe | W. W. Thorpe.
Ethnological notes. No. 3.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 92-95.
1931 | J. Roy Kinghorn | J. Roy Kinghorn.
Herpetological notes. No. 2.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 85-91.
1931 | Nathaniel Gist Gee | Nathaniel Gist Gee.
Fresh-water sponges from Australia and New Zealand.
Records of the Australian Museum 18: 25-62.
1930 | Frank A. McNeill; M. Ward | Frank A. McNeill; M. Ward.
Carcinological notes. No. I.
Records of the Australian Museum 17: 357-383.
1929 | T. D. A. Cockerell | T. D. A. Cockerell.
Bees in the Australian Museum collection.
Records of the Australian Museum 17: 199-243.
1929 | Frank A. McNeill | Frank A. McNeill.
Studies in Australian carcinology. No. 3.
Records of the Australian Museum 17: 144-156.
1929 | Gilbert P. Whitley | Gilbert P. Whitley.
Studies in ichthyology. No. 3.
Records of the Australian Museum 17: 101-143.
1929 | Ellis Le G. Troughton | Ellis Le G. Troughton.
A new genus and species of bat (Kerivoulinae) from the Solomons, with a review of the genera of the sub-family.
Records of the Australian Museum 17: 85-100.
1901 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
Occasional notes. I. Aperture of Conularia.
Records of the Australian Museum 4: 52-.
1900 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
Recurrence of Megaderma gigas, Dobson.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 188-189.
1899 | Edgar R. Waite | Edgar R. Waite.
Description of a ring-tailed opossum, regarded as a variety of Pseudochirus herbertensis, Collett.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 91-93.
1899 | Charles Hedley | Charles Hedley.
XVII. The Mollusca. Part I. Gasteropoda.
Australian Museum Memoir 3: 395-488.
1898 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Ornithological notes. IV. On a species of pidgeon frequenting the atolls of the Ellice Group.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 85-87.
1898 | R. Etheridge | R. Etheridge.
New or little-known Lower Palaeozoic Gasteropoda in the collection of the Australian Museum.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 71-77.
1898 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Ornithological notes. V. On the occurrence of Butastur teesa in Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 87-.
1897 | Alfred J. North | Alfred J. North.
Description of a new species of Collyriocincla from Queensland.
Records of the Australian Museum 3: 49-50.