Journal Archive Results
Year Author/s Reference
1979 Peter R. Rankin Peter R. Rankin. A taxonomic revision of the genus Menetia (Lacertilia, Scincidae) in the Northern Territory. Records of the Australian Museum 32: 491-499.
1979 Allen E. Greer Allen E. Greer. A phylogenetic subdivision of Australian skinks. Records of the Australian Museum 32: 339-371.
1979 Allen E. Greer Allen E. Greer. Eremiascincus, a new generic name for some Australian sand swimming skinks (Lacertilla: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 32: 321-338.
1979 Allen E. Greer Allen E. Greer. A new Sphenomorphus (Lacertilia: Scincidae) from the rainforests of northeastern Queensland. Records of the Australian Museum 32: 373-383.
1979 J. W. Wells; Phil Alderslade J. W. Wells; Phil Alderslade. The scleractinian coral Archohella living on the coastal shores of Queensland, Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 32: 211-216.
1979 Harold G. Cogger Harold G. Cogger. Type specimens of reptiles and amphibians in the Australian Museum. Records of the Australian Museum 32: 163-210.
1979 A. G. Beu; Winston F. Ponder A. G. Beu; Winston F. Ponder. A revision of the species of Bolma Risso, 1826 (Gastropoda: Turbinidae). Records of the Australian Museum 32: 1-68.
1979 A. J. Bruce A. J. Bruce. Onycocaris anomala sp. nov., a new pontoniine shrimp from the Northern Territory, Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 32: 69-79.
1979 J. H. Day; Pat Hutchings J. H. Day; Pat Hutchings. An annotated check-list of Australian and New Zealand Polychaeta, Archiannelida and Myzostomida. Records of the Australian Museum 32: 80-161.
1977 Winston F. Ponder; E. K. Yoo Winston F. Ponder; E. K. Yoo. A revision of the Eatoniellidae of Australia (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Littorinacea). Records of the Australian Museum 31: 606-658.
1977 S. Rainer; Pat Hutchings S. Rainer; Pat Hutchings. Nephtyidae (Polychaeta: Errantia) from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 31: 307-347.
1977 Helen A. Randall; Gerald R. Allen Helen A. Randall; Gerald R. Allen. A revision of the damselfish genus Dascyllus (Pomacentridae) with the description of a new species. Records of the Australian Museum 31: 349-385.
1977 Francis W. E. Rowe Francis W. E. Rowe. The status of Nardoa (Andora) A.M. Clark, 1967 (Asteroidea: Ophidiasteridae), with the description of two new subgenera and three new species. Records of the Australian Museum 31: 235-245.
1977 Francis W. E. Rowe Francis W. E. Rowe. A new family of Asteroidea (Echinodermata), with the description of five new secies and one new subspecies of Asterodiscides. Records of the Australian Museum 31: 187-233.
1977 Pat Hutchings Pat Hutchings. Terebelliform Polychaeta of the families Ampharetidae, Terebellidae and Trichobranchidae from Australia, chiefly from Moreton Bay, Queensland. Records of the Australian Museum 31: 1-38.
1976 D. J. G. Griffin; Diane E. Brown D. J. G. Griffin; Diane E. Brown. Deepwater decapod Crustacea from eastern Australia: brachyuran crabs. Records of the Australian Museum 30: 248-271.
1976 J. A. Blake; K. H. Woodwick J. A. Blake; K. H. Woodwick. A new species of Boccardia (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from two freshwater lakes in southeastern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 30: 123-128.
1976 E. L. Bousfield E. L. Bousfield. A new terrestrial amphipod from Lord Howe Island. Records of the Australian Museum 30: 118-122.
1975 Harold O. Fletcher Harold O. Fletcher. Silurian and Lower Devonian fossils from the Cobar Area of New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 30: 65-85.
1975 T. A. Garrard T. A. Garrard. A revision of Australian Cancellariidae (Gastropoda: Mollusca). Records of the Australian Museum 30: 1-62.
1975 Eve C. Southward Eve C. Southward. New Pogonophora from Indonesia. Records of the Australian Museum 29: 441-452.
1975 Dora M. Banner; Albert H. Banner Dora M. Banner; Albert H. Banner. The alpheid shrimp of Australia. Part 2: the genus Synalpheus. Records of the Australian Museum 29: 267-389.
1975 B. G. M. Jamieson B. G. M. Jamieson. The earthworm genus Oreoscolex (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) in New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 29: 245-259.
1974 Thomas E. Bowman; Helmut Kühne Thomas E. Bowman; Helmut Kühne. Cymodetta gambosa, a new sphaeromatid isopod (Crustacea) from Australia, with notes on its mating behaviour. Records of the Australian Museum 29: 235-244.
1974 C. N. Smithers; I. W. B. Thornton C. N. Smithers; I. W. B. Thornton. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Norfolk Island. Records of the Australian Museum 29: 209-234.
1974 Laurence R. Richardson Laurence R. Richardson. A new leech from Papua, representative of a third family of aquatic jawed sanguivores in the Australian region (Hirudinoidea: Illebdellidae fam. nov.). Records of the Australian Museum 29: 187-196.
1974 B. Mason B. Mason. Notes on Australian meteorites. Records of the Australian Museum 29: 169-186.
1974 Bruce B. Collette Bruce B. Collette. The garfishes (Hemiramphidae) of Australia and New Zealand. Records of the Australian Museum 29: 11-105.
1973 William D. Turnbull; F. R. Schram William D. Turnbull; F. R. Schram. Broom Cave Cercartetus: with observations on pygmy possum dental morphology, variation, and taxonomy. Records of the Australian Museum 28: 437-464.
1973 Jurgen Gruber; Glenn S. Hunt Jurgen Gruber; Glenn S. Hunt. Nelima doriae (Canestrini), a south European harvestman in Australia and New Zealand (Arachnida, Opiliones, Phalangiidae). Records of the Australian Museum 28: 383-392.
1973 Janet Haig Janet Haig. Galatheidea (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) collected by the F.I.S. Endeavour. Records of the Australian Museum 28: 269-289.
1973 R. G. Fennah R. G. Fennah. A new species of Notuchus (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea, Delphacidae) from Lord Howe Island. Records of the Australian Museum 28: 265-267.
1973 B. G. M. Jamieson B. G. M. Jamieson. Earthworms (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from Mount Kosciusko, Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 28: 215-252.
1970 Raymond B. Manning Raymond B. Manning. Two new stomatopod crustaceans from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 28: 77-85.
1970 D. J. G. Griffin D. J. G. Griffin. The genus Chlorinoides (Crustacea, Brachyura, Majidae). 2. Chlorinoides goldsboroughi Rathbun from eastern Australia, C. tenuirostris Haswell and a new species from Western Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 28: 65-76.
1970 David R. Moore David R. Moore. Results of an archaeological survey of the Hunter River Valley, New South Wales, Australia. Part I. The Bondaian Industry of the Upper Hunter and Goulburn River Valleys. Records of the Australian Museum 28: 25-64.
1989 John R. Paxton John R. Paxton. Synopsis of the whalefishes (family Cetomimidae) with descriptions of four new genera. Records of the Australian Museum 41: 135-206.
1989 John A. Long; C. F. Burrett John A. Long; C. F. Burrett. Early Devonian conodonts from the Kuan Tung Formation, Thailand: systematics and biogeographic considerations. Records of the Australian Museum 41: 121-133.
1989 A. H. Scheltema A. H. Scheltema. Australian Aplacophoran molluscs: I. Cheatodermomorpha from Bass Strait and the Continental Slope off south-eastern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 41: 43-62.
1988 J. C. Walker J. C. Walker. Classification of Australian buliniform planorbids (Mollusca: Pulmonata). Records of the Australian Museum 40: 61-89.
1987 G. V. Czechura; G. J. Ingram; D. S. Liem G. V. Czechura; G. J. Ingram; D. S. Liem. The genus Nyctimystes (Anura: Hylidae) in Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 39: 333-338.
1987 Niel L. Bruce Niel L. Bruce. Australian Renocila Miers, 1880 (Isopoda: Cymothoidae), crustacean parasites of marine fishes. Records of the Australian Museum 39: 169-182.
1987 K. S. W. Campbell; Moya A. Smith K. S. W. Campbell; Moya A. Smith. The Devonian dipnoan Holodipterus: dental form variation and remodelling growth mechanisms. Records of the Australian Museum 39: 131-167.
1987 Niel L. Bruce Niel L. Bruce. Australian Pleopodias Richardson, 1910, and Anilocra Leach, 1818 (Isopoda: Cymothoidae), crustacean parasites of marine fishes. Records of the Australian Museum 39: 85-130.
1987 Ross A. Sadlier Ross A. Sadlier. A review of the scincid lizards of New Caledonia. Records of the Australian Museum 39: 1-66.
1986 G. Theischinger G. Theischinger. Australian Thaumaleidae (Insecta: Diptera). Records of the Australian Museum 38: 291-317.
1986 D. J. G. Griffin; H. A. Tranter D. J. G. Griffin; H. A. Tranter. Some majid spider crabs from the deep Indo–West Pacific. Records of the Australian Museum 38: 351-370.
1986 Pat Hutchings; Christopher J. Glasby Pat Hutchings; Christopher J. Glasby. The Polycirrinae (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 38: 319-350.
1986 Daniel J. Bickel Daniel J. Bickel. Australian species of Systenus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Records of the Australian Museum 38: 263-270.
1986 Daniel J. Bickel Daniel J. Bickel. Thrypticus and an allied new genus, Corindia, from Australia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Records of the Australian Museum 38: 135-151.