Australian tribal names, with their synonyms. Compiled from ethnographical works in the Australian Museum Library, 1909
This compilation was originally intended as a hand-list for personal reference, to enable the writer to see at a glance the approximate, if not the definite, locality of any given Tribe, without having to search through the literature of the subject.
As the title implies, the matter was derived from Ethnographical works in the Australian Museum Library, but to these are added, or interpolated, a few obtained from other reliable sources. A Bibliography of the works consulted is given at the end.
As to Synonyms :—The writer has tried to make cross-references to obviously identical Tribes. In this connection, the various phonetic interpretations placed upon tribal names· by different authorities, resulting in many spellings of the same word or words, are remarkable. Although upwards of six hundred names are in the list, the synonymy would reduce it by ten or fifteen per cent. Etc.
Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this publication may relate to religious beliefs, death, burial practices or initiation ceremonies and rites; or it may contain images or names of deceased persons or images that may be regarded as unsuitable for children.