Papers from the Echinoderm Conference. 3. The reproduction of some echinoderms from Macquarie Island
Three species of starfish, Anasterias directa (Koehler), Anasterias mawsoni (Koehler), and Cycethra macquariensis Koehler, and one species of holothuroid, Pseudopsolus macquariensis (Dendy) were collected over a period of one year from rocky sub-littoral shores at Macquarie Island. Study of preserved collections showed that both Anasterias species and the holothuroid have a brooding mode of reproduction and distinct reproductive cycles. For Cycethra macquariensis no cyclic reproductive pattern was evident. Ovarian condition in Cycethra macquariensis suggested a non-pelagic development; however the mode of this development was not observed. In addition, examination of some specimens of Pseudocnus laevigatus (Verrill), Trachythyone macphersonae Pawson (holothuroids) and Pseudechinus novaezealandiae (Mortensen) (echinoid) showed a brooding habit in Pseudocnus and ovarian conditions that suggested non-pelagic larval development for Trachythyone and pelagic larval development for Pseudechinus.