A check-list of the mammals recorded from Australia
Austronomus gen. nov. Type Nyctinomus australis atratus Thomas Fretidelphis gen. nov. Type Delphinus roseiventris Wagner Micronomus gen. nov. Type Molossus norfolkensis Gray Notomys megalotis nom. nov ... Rhinophyllotis gen. nov. Type Rhinolophus megaphyllus Gray Sminthopsis lumholtzi nom. nov. Tursiops maugeanus nom. nov. Vespadelus gen. nov. Type Scotophilus pumilus Gray Wombatula gen. nov. Type Phascolomys gillespiei De Vis More than three centuries have passed away since Pelsart in 1629 provided the first known description of an Australian pouched animal, and, although over 400 species and subspecies of mammals, marsupial and otherwise, have since been described, the present work is the first to assemble in a comprehensive taxonomic list the mammalian orders indigenous to Australia and the adjacent seas.