Equisetalean plant remains from the Early to Middle Triassic of New South Wales, Australia
Equisetalean fossil plant remains of Early to Middle Triassic age from New South Wales are described. Robust and persistent nodal diaphragms composed of three zones; a broad central pith disc, a vascular cylinder and a cortical region surrounded by a sheath of conjoined leaf bases, are placed in Nododendron benolongensis n.sp. The new genus Townroviamites is erected for stems previously assigned to Phyllotheca brookvalensis which bear whorls of leaves forming a narrow basal sheath and the number of leaves matches the number of vascular bundles. Finely striated stems bearing leaf whorls consisting of several foliar lobes each formed from four to seven linear conjoined leaves are described as Paraschizoneura jonesii n.sp. Doubts are raised about the presence of the common Permian Gondwanan sphenophyte species Phyllotheca australis and the Northern Hemisphere genus Neocalamites in Middle Triassic floras of Gondwana.