Australian meteorites
No separate catalogue of the Australian meteorites has been published since 1913, when Dr. C. Anderson, Director of the Australian Museum, presented a. catalogue and bibliography of the Australian meteorites. Since that time the number of records of Australian falls has increased considerably, and a good deal more is known concerning them. Further, some errors and contradictions have. crept into the literature and the opportunity is taken to rectify some of these misconceptions. It is hoped to include everything up to 31 December, 1937. The present work is intended to be something more than a catalogue and bibliography, for it is felt that there is a definite need for an introduction to the study of meteorites, more particularly from the point of view of the Australian worker.
Further, in recent years, the collection of meteorites of the Australian Museum has been increased considerably, until today over one hundred falls, including forty-five Australian falls, are presented. The addition of the meteorite collections of the Mining and Geological Museum and the Technological Museum has greatly increased its importance. Of the seventy-seven Australian falls no less than twenty are represented by main masses.
Dr. E. S. Simpson, Government Mineralogist and Analyst, Western Australia, has generously placed at my disposal much data concerning the Western Australian meteorites which otherwise would not have been available. I am also indebted to Mr. L. C. Ball, Chief Government Geologist, Queensland, Mr. D. J. Mahony, Director, National Museum, Melbourne, and Mr. H. M. Hale, Director, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, for much information concerning the meteorites of their respective States. Mr. L. A. Jones, Government Geologist, New South Wales, very kindly gave permission for the maps to be drawn in his department. Dr. A. R. Alderman made available all his photographs of the Henbury Meteorite Craters. All photographs not otherwise acknowledged are the work of Mr. G. C. Clutton, Senior Preparator, Australian Museum. Finally, my thanks are due to Mr. R. O. Chalmers, A.S.T.C., for valued help in the preparation of this memoir.