Australian Museum Journals
Since 1851 we have published academic journals to report discoveries made in our collections. Our serial titles contain peer-reviewed research articles on animal taxonomy, archaeology and geology.
Showing 1 to 50 of 1826
Year | Author/s | Reference |
2025 | Michael Batley | Michael Batley.
Revision of the Australian bee subgenus Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) Cockerell, 1910 (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Neopasiphaeinae).
Records of the Australian Museum 77: 1-88.
2024 | Graeme B. Smith; Andrew Mitchell | Graeme B. Smith; Andrew Mitchell.
On some silverfish taxa from the Cape York region of northern Australia (Zygentoma: Lepismatidae: Ctenolepismatinae).
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 1-68.
2024 | Pierre-Henri Fabre; Roberto Portela Miguez; Mary Ellen Holden; Yuli S. Fitriana; Gono Semiadi; Guy G. Musser; Kristofer M. Helgen | Pierre-Henri Fabre; Roberto Portela Miguez; Mary Ellen Holden; Yuli S. Fitriana; Gono Semiadi; Guy G. Musser; Kristofer M. Helgen.
A replacement name for the endemic Rattus (Muridae, Mammalia) of the island of Obi, Indonesia.
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 131-132.
2024 | Graham Milledge | Graham Milledge.
Review of the genera Glabromantis, Paraoxypilus and Phthersigena (Mantodea: Nanomantidae: Fulciniinae).
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 69-103.
2024 | Michael F. Braby | Michael F. Braby.
Protected taxonomic status and lectotype designation for Holochila albosericea Miskin, 1891 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 151-156.
2024 | Roger T. Springthorpe; Lauren E. Hughes | Roger T. Springthorpe; Lauren E. Hughes.
Re-description of Chevalia aviculae Walker, 1904, five new species and new records of Chevaliidae from Australia and New Zealand (Crustacea: Peracarida: Amphipoda: Senticaudata).
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 157-194.
2024 | Beth Flaxman; Elena K. Kupriyanova | Beth Flaxman; Elena K. Kupriyanova.
New species of Laetmonice (Aphroditidae, Annelida) from bathyal and abyssal depths around Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 195-210.
2024 | Graham McLean | Graham McLean.
Sydney Basin in the Triassic—a review of the geology, flora and fauna, and ecosystems. The Hawkesbury Sandstone.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 40: 1-44.
2024 | Michael F. Braby | Michael F. Braby.
Protected taxonomic status for Papilio richmondia Gray, [1853] (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)..
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 243-248.
2024 | Charlotte Watson; Laetitia M. Gunton; Elena K. Kupriyanova | Charlotte Watson; Laetitia M. Gunton; Elena K. Kupriyanova.
Three new species of bacterivorous Chrysopetalidae and Microphthalmidae (Annelida) inhabiting a whale fall off eastern Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 249-264.
2024 | Chris A. M. Reid; Ian Hutton; Ewan C.A. Reid | Chris A. M. Reid; Ian Hutton; Ewan C.A. Reid.
The Australian Museum and Friends of Lord Howe survey of large Coleoptera on Lord Howe Island, August 2022.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 41: 1-17.
2024 | Mark D. B. Eldridge; Sally Potter; Renae Pratt; Rebecca N. Johnson; Tim F. Flannery; Kristofer M. Helgen | Mark D. B. Eldridge; Sally Potter; Renae Pratt; Rebecca N. Johnson; Tim F. Flannery; Kristofer M. Helgen.
Molecular systematics of the Dendrolagus goodfellowi species group (Marsupialia: Macropodidae).
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 105-129.
2024 | Luana M. Barros; Bradley J. Sinclair; Rafael A. P. De Freitas-Silva; Rosaly Ale-Rocha | Luana M. Barros; Bradley J. Sinclair; Rafael A. P. De Freitas-Silva; Rosaly Ale-Rocha.
Revision of the genus Leptodromia Sinclair & Cumming, 2000 (Diptera: Hybotidae: Ocydromiinae), with the description of six new species.
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 133-150.
2024 | Elena K. Kupriyanova; Beth Flaxman | Elena K. Kupriyanova; Beth Flaxman.
Serpulidae (Annelida) of the Australian Indian Ocean Territories.
Records of the Australian Museum 76: 211-242.
2023 | Wayne N. Mathis; Tadeusz Zatwarnicki | Wayne N. Mathis; Tadeusz Zatwarnicki.
Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Risa genus-group (Diptera: Ephydridae), with description of a new genus from Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 1-23.
2023 | Russell Cox; Natalie A. Tees | Russell Cox; Natalie A. Tees.
A remarkable new species of scuttle fly and first record of Microselia Schmitz (Diptera: Phoridae) from Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 45-50.
2023 | Harry E. Parnaby; Peter D. Dwyer; Kristofer M. Helgen | Harry E. Parnaby; Peter D. Dwyer; Kristofer M. Helgen.
Notes on mammals collected on the 1885 Geographical Society of Australasia’s Expedition to New Guinea.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 79-86.
2023 | Elena Kupriyanova; Beth Flaxman | Elena Kupriyanova; Beth Flaxman.
A new species of the mysterious genus Spirodiscus (Annelida: Serpulidae) of the eastern Australian abyss. In RV Investigator—Abyssal Annelida, ed. E. K. Kupriyanova and L. M. Gunton..
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 155-166.
2023 | Hannelore Paxton; Nataliya Budaeva; Laetitia M. Gunton | Hannelore Paxton; Nataliya Budaeva; Laetitia M. Gunton.
Amazing diversity of Nothria (Annelida, Onuphidae) in the Australian deep sea. In RV Investigator—Abyssal Annelida, ed. E. K. Kupriyanova and L. M. Gunton.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 215-247.
2023 | David E. Alquezar-Planas; Damien P. Higgins; Cora L. Singleton; Alex D. Greenwood | David E. Alquezar-Planas; Damien P. Higgins; Cora L. Singleton; Alex D. Greenwood.
Preface to the Second Koala Retrovirus Workshop online 25–27 May 2021.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 1-2.
2023 | Bonnie L. Quigley; Peter Timms | Bonnie L. Quigley; Peter Timms.
Endogenous and exogenous koala retrovirus patterns in wild koalas across Australia.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 7-9.
2023 | Saba Mottaghinia; Lee McMichael; Joanne Meers | Saba Mottaghinia; Lee McMichael; Joanne Meers.
Bats or rodents, who started it? Short history of the gibbon ape leukaemia virus–koala retrovirus clade.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 15-18.
2023 | Amber K. Gillett | Amber K. Gillett.
Defining putative koala retrovirus-associated disease in koalas.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 23-29.
2023 | Alex D. Greenwood; David E. Alquezar-Planas; Philippa A. McKay; Baptiste Mulot; Geoffrey W. Pye; Amy Robbins; Cora L. Singleton; Rachael E. Tarlinton; Damien P. Higgins | Alex D. Greenwood; David E. Alquezar-Planas; Philippa A. McKay; Baptiste Mulot; Geoffrey W. Pye; Amy Robbins; Cora L. Singleton; Rachael E. Tarlinton; Damien P. Higgins.
Synthesis of discussions of the Second Koala Retrovirus Workshop, 2021.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 53-82.
2023 | Penelope B. Berents | Penelope B. Berents.
Obituary—Dr Jim Lowry.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 301-302.
2023 | Tammy Horton; et al. | Tammy Horton; et al..
The World Amphipoda Database: history and progress.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 329-342.
2023 | Rachael A. King; Danielle N. Stringer; Remko Leijs | Rachael A. King; Danielle N. Stringer; Remko Leijs.
Carnarvonis gen. nov. and Warregoensis gen. nov.: two new genera and species of subterranean amphipods (Crangonyctoidea: Chillagoeidae) described from north-eastern Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 447-457.
2023 | Alan A. Myers; James K. Lowry | Alan A. Myers; James K. Lowry.
The beach-hopper genus Platorchestia (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Talitridae) on Atlantic Ocean coasts and on those of associated seas.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 485-505.
2023 | R. T. Springthorpe | R. T. Springthorpe.
Melita lowryi, a new species of Melitidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Senticaudata) from New Zealand, and the redescription of Melita festiva (Chilton, 1885) from Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 547-558.
2023 | Joanne Taylor; Rachael A. Peart | Joanne Taylor; Rachael A. Peart.
A new genus and five new species of Phoxocephalidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Eastern Tasman Sea, the Otago Shelf, and The Snares, New Zealand.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 567-600.
2023 | Sigit Wiantoro; Tim F. Flannery; Dan Brown; Kyle N. Armstrong; Kristofer M. Helgen | Sigit Wiantoro; Tim F. Flannery; Dan Brown; Kyle N. Armstrong; Kristofer M. Helgen.
The mammal fauna of Kofiau Island, off western New Guinea.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 653-662.
2023 | Kenneth P. Aplin; Tim F. Flannery; Boeadi; Pierre-Henri Fabre; Kristofer M. Helgen | Kenneth P. Aplin; Tim F. Flannery; Boeadi; Pierre-Henri Fabre; Kristofer M. Helgen.
Two new species of Halmaheramys (Murinae: Rattini) from archaeological deposits on Morotai Island, North Moluccas, Indonesia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 719-739.
2023 | Junn Kitt Foon; P. T. Green; Frank Köhler | Junn Kitt Foon; P. T. Green; Frank Köhler.
Delineating Paralaoma annabelli, a minute land snail impacted by the 2019–2020 wildfires in Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 51-64.
2023 | Christoph G. Höpel; Stefan Richter; Shane T. Ahyong | Christoph G. Höpel; Stefan Richter; Shane T. Ahyong.
A new species of Tasmanian mountain shrimp, Anaspides driesseni sp. nov. (Malacostraca, Anaspidacea, Anaspidesidae).
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 25-43.
2023 | Bartholomew S. Hacobian; Michael F. Braby; Edward A. Petrie | Bartholomew S. Hacobian; Michael F. Braby; Edward A. Petrie.
A new subspecies of Philiris diana Waterhouse & Lyell, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from the Wet Tropics of northern Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 65-78.
2023 | Mikhail E. Daneliya | Mikhail E. Daneliya.
Mysid subfamily Boreomysinae (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae) in the southeast Australian deep-sea.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 87-124.
2023 | James A. Blake | James A. Blake.
New species of Cirratulidae (Annelida) from continental slope and abyssal depths off eastern Australia. In RV Investigator—Abyssal Annelida, ed. E. K. Kupriyanova and L. M. Gunton.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 249-270.
2023 | Laetitia M. Gunton; William Zhang; Elena Kupriyanova; Pat A. Hutchings | Laetitia M. Gunton; William Zhang; Elena Kupriyanova; Pat A. Hutchings.
New species of Melinna (Melinnidae, Annelida) from the Australian abyss with comments on M. albicincta, M. cristata and M. elisabethae. In RV Investigator—Abyssal Annelida, ed. E. K. Kupriyanova and L. M. Gunton..
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 125-154.
2023 | James A. Blake | James A. Blake.
New species of Scalibregmatidae (Annelida) from slope and abyssal depths off eastern Australia. In RV Investigator—Abyssal Annelida, ed. E. K. Kupriyanova and L. M. Gunton.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 271-298.
2023 | Briony A. Joyce | Briony A. Joyce.
Koala retrovirus genetic diversity and transmission: advice for breeders.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 11-14.
2023 | Gayle McEwen; Alex D. Greenwood | Gayle McEwen; Alex D. Greenwood.
The role of koala retrovirus integrations in promoting neoplasia in koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus).
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 31-34.
2023 | Editors—David E. Alquezar-Planas; Damien P. Higgins; Cora L. Singleton; Alex D. Greenwood | Editors—David E. Alquezar-Planas; Damien P. Higgins; Cora L. Singleton; Alex D. Greenwood.
Proceedings of the Second Koala Retrovirus Workshop.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online 38: 1-82.
2023 | Graham McLean | Graham McLean.
The Sydney Basin in the Triassic—a review of the geology, flora and fauna, and ecosystems. The Narrabeen Group.
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum, Online 39: 1-52.
2023 | Lauren Elizabeth Hughes; Shane T. Ahyong; Penelope B. Berents | Lauren Elizabeth Hughes; Shane T. Ahyong; Penelope B. Berents.
The contribution of J. K. Lowry (1942–2021) to amphipod systematics: new and revisionary taxonomy.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 311-328.
2023 | Abdul Rahim Azman | Abdul Rahim Azman.
Description of Stenothoe lowryi sp. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Stenothoidae), from the Straits of Malacca, Malaysia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 371-379.
2023 | Niel L. Bruce; Eknarin Rodcharoen | Niel L. Bruce; Eknarin Rodcharoen.
Electrolana Schädel, Hyžný & Haug, 2021 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae), a junior synonym of Cirolana Leach, 1818 and a new species of Metacirolana Kussakin, 1978 from Cretaceous amber of Myanmar.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 405-412.
2023 | Mikhail E. Daneliya | Mikhail E. Daneliya.
On the mysid crustacean genus Deltamysis (Mysidae: Heteromysinae), with a new species and a new record from Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 413-430.
2023 | Andrew R. Parker | Andrew R. Parker.
A pulsing-mirror eye in a deep-sea ostracod.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 515-517.
2023 | Anne Helene S. Tandberg; Wim Vader | Anne Helene S. Tandberg; Wim Vader.
A new stenothoid (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Stenothoidae) from a shallow water hydroid polyp in British Columbia, Canada.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 559-565.
2023 | Les Watling; Lene Buhl-Mortensen | Les Watling; Lene Buhl-Mortensen.
Crustaceans associated with cold water corals: a comparison of the North Atlantic and North Pacific octocoral assemblages.
Records of the Australian Museum 75: 601-608.