Fishes from inland New Guinea
In 1954, my colleagues, Messrs. Ellis Le Geyt Troughton and Norman Camps, of the Australian Museum, visited inland New Guinea and secured a number of interesting freshwater fishes. The collecting localities of their expedition, in chronological order, were:- 1. "Manjim".—Western bank of Ganz River, 24 miles 3° N. of N.E. of Mount Hagen airstrip. Altitude 3,700 ft (no fishes collected). 2. "Mageh".—Situated between Wahgi Divide and Bismarck Range. Mid-mountain forest. 28 miles 7° E. of N.E. of Mount Hagen airstrip. 18 to 26 July, 1954. 3. "Bunkri".—29 miles 4° E. of N.E. of Mount Hagen airstrip (no fishes). 4. "Jimmi River Camp".—South bank of river; rain forest and grasslands. 33 miles 6° E. of N.E. of Mount Hagen airstrip. Altitude 1,200 ft. 20–27 July, 1954. 5. "Korn Farm".—Banks of Wahgi River, Wahgi Valley, 5 miles E. of Mount Hagen airstrip. Altitude 5,200 ft. 11 July, 1954. 6. "Tomba".—South-west slopes of Mount Hagen range. 15 miles 18° W. of W.N.W. of Mount Hagen airstrip. Altitude 8,300 ft (no fishes). 7. Cave in Kuber Range.—7 miles 8° W. of S. of Mount Hagen airstrip. Altitude 7,800 ft (no fishes). Etc.