XII. The Alcyonaria. Part II
The collection of Gorgonidae made by Mr. C. Hedley, although small in number, is particularly interesting from the fact that, of the ten species obtained, eight prove to be new.
Included in the collection is a number of noteworthy forms belonging mostly to genera containing but few species.
The species described as new are as follows: Keroeides gracilis, Acanthogorgia breviflora, Anthomuricea simplex, Villogorgia flagellata, Bebryce studeri, Muricella purpurea, Nicella laxa and Verrucella flabellata. Six out of the eight genera above mentioned, have not previously been represented in the Museum collection.
The wealth of the Pacific Ocean in Gorgonidae, indicated by the Challenger Report, has been further emphasized by the investigation of the Funafuti fauna.
The result of these studies has been to enlarge genera hitherto only represented by one or two species; thus, another species has each been added to the monotypic genera Keroeides and Nicella, the former inhabiting the coast of Japan, the latter that of Mauritius. Anthomuricea and Bebryce have each been increased by an additional species.
The whole of the specimens with two exceptions (Plexaura antipathes and Heliopora) were obtained by tangles on the outer reef, at a depth of from 40 to 70 fathoms.
Mr. Edgar R. Waite has again favoured me with the drawings from which the accompanying plates have been reproduced....