The Echinodermata of Funafuti. VII. The Echinodermata
The collection of Echinodermata comprises one hundred and thirty specimens representing nineteen species, most of which belong to well known forms, common to the Pacific coral reefs. Although devoid of new species, the material includes a few rare examples of great interest not, hitherto represented in the Museum Collection. The following are the Orders represented: Echinoidea, 7 species; Asteroidea, 3 species; Ophiuroidea, 3 species; Holothuroidea, 6 species. The species of interest are Echinothrix turcarum, Echinometra oblonga, Laganum depressum, Ophidiaster cylindricus, Culcita acutispinosa, Ophiarthrum elegans, and Holothuria imitans.
The Culcita acutispinosa has been noticed at some length, and the non-specific value of external form has also been pointed out. In a subsequent article by Mr. Waite a note will be found on the commensalism of Fierasfer with Holothuria argus. Mr. Saville Kent has recorded a species of Fierasfer as occurring in in the body cavity of Holothuria mammifera, on the Queensland coast. In this connection I venture to suggest that future observers should try to ascertain if Fierasfer is ever found in members of the genus Muelleria. Possibly the presence of anal teeth in Muelleria may be of use in excluding the fish from the body cavity.