New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia
In the present paper I record three fishes not previously recognised from New South Wales. Food is the chief matter dealt with under Cetorhinus maximus, Gunner; a short description is given of a specimen of Tetragonurus cuvieri, Risso, taken in our waters; and Pomadasis hasta, Cuvier and Valenciennes, is recorded from an example secured in the Richmond River. A catch of three specimens of Chimoera ogilbyi, Waite, is recorded, and descriptions and figures each of Prototroctes maraena, Gunther, and Harpe vulpina, Richardson, are furnished, both species being very rare in our waters. Finally, a description is published of Valenciennia longipinnis, Bennett, from an example taken on the Barrier Reef, Queensland. The nature of the original figure suggested the advisability of re-illustrating the species. I have, therefore, taken great pains with the drawing now offered.