Description of a new pelagic hemipteron from Port Jackson
Ovate, widest behind the middle. Glaucous above, with a silvery bloom; yellowish-ochreous beneath. Antennae (including jointlets) and legs black, with a very minute greyish pubescence. Head with two triangular reddish-yellow spots, which do not meet on the hind margin. Male andfemale. Antennae at the base, antennal tubercles, prosternum, coxae and trochanters, and a spot (more prominent in female) beneath the base of femora, in the fore-legs, coxae, and trochanters (with the exception of a black spot beneath), in intermediate legs, a spot beneath the apex of coxae, and the outer margin of trochanters, in the hind-legs, fore and intermediate acetabula beneath, and margin of first and whole of second genital