Icasma Collin and an allied new genus Glyphidopeza, from New Zealand (Diptera: Empidoidea: Ceratomerinae)
The endemic New Zealand genus Icasma Collin (Diptera: Empidoidea; Ceratomerinae) is reviewed and includes the following seven species: I. aequabilis Plant, I. setosa n.sp., I. fascipennis n.sp., I. longicauda n.sp., I. masneri n.sp., I. singularis Collin (lectotype designated), I. tararua n.sp. An allied new genus, Glyphidopeza is described from New Zealand and includes the following new species: G. fluviatilis, G. longicornis. A key to species and illustrations of male and female terminalia are provided. Icasma is divided into two species-groups and the phylogenetic relationships of the species are analysed.