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Generations and their gadgets study from the US reveals how much we love our gadgets, with mobile phones being the most popular. Read on for more...
We're all multitaskers!, you knew that right?
Transformations in Cultural Communication Conference 2011 industry leaders over two days on 14-15 April as we explore tangible ways that social media can engage culturally diverse audiences. Special guests include folks from the Smithsonian Institution, Powerhouse Museum, Museum Victoria and the Australian Museum.
Bring your Game part of the Sydney Festival 2011 the " Bring Your Game" forum was organized out at Campbelltown Arts Centre which featured some of Hip Hops top talents from Australia and Aotearoa - New Zealand to share in this worldwide phenomenon.
If the thylacine is extinct does it matter if Harry Burrell's was real? debate about the subject and meaning of Harry Burrell's thylacine photo, first published by the Australian Museum in 1921, has recently been revisited.
Urban Biodiversity and the City of Sydney is a crucial factor in the environmental, social and cultural health of a city. Biodiversity in the City of Sydney's area has declined because of urban development; buildings and roads have taken away some of the habitat that used to provide a home for plants and animals
An App for Museum Conservators? following question has been asked on Twitter: "Answers in <240 characters, please! RT: @thesherrin: What would a iPad app for conservators do, or what would they want it to do? #mtogo". I asked one of our Conservators, Sheldon, what he thought...
What is the Colly-gator up to? Johnson, an exhibition project officer (aka "the Colly-gator") is one of the team working on the restoration and conservation of our oldest showcase. What is he up to?
A modern day detective story the mysteries behind the Museum's oldest showcase.
Our “misty” showcases see or not to see? That is the question.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
Now open
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Future Now
Touring exhibition
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Permanent education space
10am - 4.30pm -
Permanent exhibition
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