On a specimen of Crex crex, shot at Randwick, New South Wales
Recently Mr. H. N ewcombe, Deputy Registrar-General of Titles, presented a freshly shot specimen of Crex crex to the Trustees of the Australian Museum. The bird was obtained the previous day, June 14th, 1893, by Mr. Walter Higgs, who was shooting in a scrubby portion of the Rifle Range at Randwick, a well known haunt of the Rallidae. It was an adult female, and upon dissection the ovaries were found to be fairly developed. This species ranges throughout Western Asia, Europe, and the United Kingdom, it also occurs in Northern and North-eastern Africa, and the late Mr. Gurney records it as common during the summer months as far South as Natal, a straggler also being recorded by Mr. Ayres from Cape Colony.