Contributions on the Permo-Carboniferous Aviculopectinidae of New South Wales
In 1927 the Australian Museum acquired the collections of Mr. Varney Parkes. This assemblage of fossils, upwards of five thousand specimens, is the result of thirty years' careful and assiduous work, more particularly in the Illawarra district of .New South Wales.
This area has been the subject of considerable geological work which has been recorded by Strzelecki, Data W.B. Clarke, T.W.E. David, L. F. Harper, C.F. Laseron, Miss Ida Brown, and others. The specimens described in this paper are from the stage named by David "Nowra grits" in the Upper Marine Series of the Permo-Carboniferous, and may be regarded as supplementing the collection in the Mining and Gelogical Museum.