A new permo-carboniferous genus (Keeneia) of Pleurotomariidae, and a Straparollus in New South Wales
The lower Marine Series of our Permo-Carboniferous in the Maitland District has yielded a fine Gasteropod, that I believe constitutes a new sub-genus of Pleurotomaria, or genus of Pleurotomariidae, as the idiocyncracies of the reader may lead him to regard it. The characteristic univalve of the series mentioned is Platyschisma oculus, Sby., sp., but occurring side by side with this, and in some respects like it, is another much larger and more massive shell, quite undescribed with us, that I propose to designate as Keeneia platyschismoides. The generic name is given in honour of the late Mr. WiIliam Keene, for many years Examiner of Coal Fields for New South Wales, and whose researches, combined with those of the late Mr. C. S. Wilkinson, laid the foundation for our present knowledge and classification of the New South Wales Coal Measures. Mr. Keene's writings will be found in the early publications of the Department of Mines, Sydney, the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, and various Exhibition Catalogues and Reports referring to New South Wales.