The general zoology of Lord Howe Island; containing also an account of the collections made by the Australian Museum Collecting Party, Aug.–Sept., 1887
[Excerpt from p. 3] In August last (1887) I was instructed by Dr. E. P. Ramsay, Curator of the Australian Museum, to proceed in company with Messrs. J. A. Thorpe, and T. Whitelegge, to Lord Howe Island. Our instructions were to investigate the general zoology, geology, and palaeontology of that little known and interesting island, aptly termed the "Madeira of the Pacific."
In the present Report I have endeavoured to point out what has been accomplished by observers in the past, and to place on record our mutually accumulated notes during a three weeks' residence on the island. A Preliminary Report of our proceedings has already been published; it will, therefore, be unnecessary to recapitulate our daily movements and method of procedure. Mention may, however, be made of the assistance we received from Mr. H. A. Unwin, of the Chief Secretary's office, who, although on his way to Norfolk Island, remained the whole time at Lord Howe, and made one of our party, working and collecting with us. The collections have been determined by the Australian Museum staff as below mentioned, viz.: The Aves and Echinodermata, by Dr. E. P. Ramsay; Reptilia and Pisces, by Mr. J. Douglas Ogilby; Mollusca, by Mr. J. Brazier; Insecta, &c., by Mr. A. S. Olliff; Polyzoa, Crustacea, Actinozoa, Protozoa by Mr. T. Whltelegge.
New species, or any known forms meriting special notice, will be described....