The Nocoleche Meteorite, with catalogue and bibliography of Australian meteorites
[No abstract given, the work begins as follows] The iron, which has been named the "Nocoleche" Meteorite, was presented to the Trustees of this Museum by Mr. George Raffel, in October, 1896, from whom the information was gleaned that it was found lying upon the surface of stony ground at a spot five miles south-west of Nocoleche Station, near Wanaaring, N. S. Wales. The specimen received was the whole of the mass found. Its existence was known twelve or eighteen months previously, but there is no record of any meteorite or meteoric showers having occurred in the district. The total mass weighed 20,040 grams (equal to 44.18 lbs. avoirdupois). Its external form is of a pronouncedly rugged character, and the iron is raised into points and ridges, the latter trending mostly in a uniform direction. This character is shown in Pl. xii. At B (Fig. 1) is a projecting rugged nob, connected to the main mass by a neck which is almost penetrated at one point by a deep hole, very probably at one time containing a nodule of troilite. [Etc.]