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Yellow-rumped Thornbill Yellow-rumped Thornbill builds a large, double-storeyed nest with a 'false' nest on top.
Yellow-billed Spoonbill Spoonbills can use much smaller bodies of water than the related Royal Spoonbills.
Yellow Wattlebird Yellow Wattlebird is Australia's largest honeyeater with the very distinctive yellow-orange wattles on the sides of the head.
Wood Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper is wary and nervous and will burst into flight if disturbed, zig-zagging off and calling loudly, then generall glide gracefully to ground again.
White-bellied Sea-Eagle White-bellied Sea-Eagle has a wingspan of 1.8m - 2m.
Welcome Swallow Swallows have short bristles at the sides of their mouths which help to guide their food (insects) into their mouths while flying at speed.
Spotted Pardalote Spotted Pardalote is sometimes known as the "Headache Bird" because of the continuous "sleep-may-be" call it gives during the breeding season.
Silver Gull Silver Gull has become a successful scavenger, readily pestering humans for handouts of scraps, pilfering from unattended food containers or searching for human refuse at tips.
Royal Spoonbill Royal Spoonbill can feed faster and on larger prey than the Yellow-billed Spoonbill, as it has a shorter, broader bill with more papillae (touch receptors) inside the spoon.
Rockwarbler, dark brown-grey bird, white throat, black tail.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
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Future Now
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