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How fast are larval fishes? (baby) fishes are not always at the mercy of ocean currents, many are in fact very strong swimmers and can swim surprisingly fast.
What is the biggest fish? Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus, is the largest of all fishes. Whale Sharks between 4 m to 12 m in length are most often seen, but the species can possibly reach a length of 18 m.
Dissection of a Blue Mackerel dissection of a Blue Mackerel, Scomber australasicus.
Parts of a fish the anatomy of fishes and identifying a fish to family.
What is a fish? are fascinating animals that come in an amazing variety of shapes and sizes, but just what is a fish?
Frequently asked questions about fishes Museum staff are frequently asked questions about fishes. The FAQ list gives the answers to some of those questions.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
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