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Changing chromosomes: do genomic hotspots drive evolution in an iconic Australian marsupial? genomic data resolves the relationships of living rock-wallabies but how their diverse chromosomes evolved still remains a mystery.
Generalists are the most urban-tolerant birds used a novel method, integrating large datasets, to identify the ‘urbanness’ of Australian birds
1990s: Museum scientists are always on the lookout for interesting new discoveries first step towards successful conservation is to know the creature exists.
The 2017 AMRI Lifetime Achievement Awards year, another amazing scientist - or in this case a group of scientists!
Carb-loading Ibis are long-term stayers know that Australian White Ibis enjoy a sandwich in the park, but it's not just because sausages aren't on offer.
Ancient fossils from Australia’s Red Centre Patrick Smith's recent expedition to the Red Centre reveals a treasure trove of newly discovered fossils spanning more than 600 million years.
Honouring Professor Richard Frankham: Winner of the 2019 Whitley Special Commendation Certificate 50 years in the field of evolutionary genetics and a leader in conservation genetics, we honour Professor Richard (Dick) Frankham, winner of the 2019 Whitley Special Commendation Certificate.
Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI) brings together scientific expertise and world-class research infrastructure to increase our knowledge of the world around us and inform environmental decision-making for a better future.
The Koala Genome koala – a treasured and quintessentially Australian species – is under threat from habitat loss, predator attack and disease, and there are concerns that its genetic diversity is decreasing and its population health is, as a result, in danger.
COVID-19 and zoonotic diseases understanding and protecting the natural world, we also have the potential to protect ourselves against possible pandemics.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
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